Northeast Men's Summer Chorus NMSC Yankee Male Chorus




southern Vermont/New Hampshire

August 7-9 2025


sign up/contact us



Participants will be coming from at least five states to gather for a singing vacation.

The Chorus will present three evening concerts in different venues in southern Vermont and New Hampshire.. An afterglow -- filled with camaraderie, song, and refreshments -- will follow at least one performance. Days will be spent with family and friends exploring the lovely New England countryside.



2024 NMSC participants are current or former members of the following singing organizations:
Acworth Congregational Church Choir (Acworth NH), Barnstormers Community Chorus (Springfield VT), East Alstead Second Congregational Church Choir and Third Congregational Church of Alstead Choir (Alstead NH), Bayside Glee Club (Bayside NY), Catskill Glee Club (Catskill NY), Cheshire Men's Chorus (Marlborough NH), Christ Church Episcopal Choir (Wilbraham MA), Con Brio Choral Society (Essex CT), Down Town Glee Club (New York NY), GM Chorale (Middletown CT), Huntington Men's Chorus (Huntington NY), Keene Chorale and Keene Pops Choir (Keene NH), Lexington Pops (Lexington MA), Maplewood Glee Club (Maplewood NJ), Mendelssohn Club of Albany (Albany NY), Mendelssohn Club of Kingston (Kingston NY), Mendelssohn Glee Club of New York City (New York NY), Summerville Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir (Summerville SC), University Glee Club (New York NY), Voices of Naples (Naples FL), Wallingford Chorus (Wallingford CT), Wilbraham Choral Society (Wilbraham MA)




All men -- no matter where you reside -- are invited to join us.

There are three ways to sign up:

(1) submit singer registration form
click here

(2) register by phone at 917-456-6558

(3)  register via email (include your name and contact information)
click here


The Northeast Men’s Summer Chorus was founded in 2019 by former members of the Yankee Male Chorus, whose last season was in the summer of 2018. During its 65-year run, YMC presented over 250 free concerts throughout southern Vermont and New Hampshire. 


In August 2023 the Northeast Men's Summer Chorus presented concerts in West Brattleboro and Grafton in Vermont and in Walpole, New Hampshire.



Click on title to listen:

Steal Away

My Special Angel

Unchained Melody

Autumn Leaves

There Is Nothing Like a Dame

Sweet Caroline

River in Judea

You're Just in Love

Without a Song

Brothers, Sing On!



Executive Director  
Marty Edelman

Dave Caneen
Elmer Joerg
Dave Lambert
Andy Lavigne
Allen Lindsay


August 2025 concerts

 The Chorus will present three free concerts (7 pm)


August 7

West Brattleboro, Vermont

First Congregational Church
880 VT-9 05301

August 8

Walpole, New Hampshire

First Congregational Church
15 Washington Street 03608


August 9

Grafton, Vermont
Grafton Community Church
55 Main Street 05146



Conductor for August 2025





audition not required



The Chorus performs 14-16 pieces from the Romantic period to modern – classical to doo-wop – and including spirituals, folk, patriotic, musical theater, and the American Songbook.



Rehearsals are scheduled from 1-5 pm on August 7 and 3:30-5 pm on August 8


Singers receive music about a month before the first concert in the form of audio (MP3) files and PDFs. The MP3 files will be customized for each voice part. Singers who want to study the music in advance can view the PDFs (sheet music) on their monitors to use in conjunction with the MP3s. In addition, a binder with sheet music will be given to each member at the rehearsal before the first performance.



registration fee


$30: includes MP3 and PDF files and sheet music, as well as a concert CD or MP3 files. Binders are distributed but must be returned after the final performance so that they may be reused the following year.





Singers are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements. A list of nearby accommodations is available on request, and it is likely that a discounted rate will be offered by at least one lodging.



pre-concert group dinners (optional)


There will be a group buffet dinner at each venue preceding the concert at $15 per person per dinner. Family and friends are welcome. Vegetarian options will be available. Meals need to be ordered and paid for in advance as indicated on the application form.


what to see and do in southern VT/NH


It is worthwhile to consider arriving earlier than August 7 or staying on after August 9 in order to take advantage of everything this part of New England has to offer.


Click here to view detailed document listing activities and places to visit.





NMSC staff will try to assist members who would like to share accommodations or who may need transportation to Vermont.

Please contact Marty Edelman at 917-456-6558 or email him here


Q. & A.


Who can join NMSC?

tenors, baritones, and basses who have some choral experience (TTBB or SATB); current membership in a group is not required



Do I need to reside in the northeast to participate?


No, men are welcome from any state, but please plan your arrival to be in time for the rehearsal on the first day. Some members will arrive the previous day.



Can I bring along family and friends?

Of course; the concerts are free and open to the public (tickets not required). Some members will include the three-day NMSC tour as part of an extended vacation.



What music will we be singing?

Songs will include favorites from the male choral repertoire.

Our August 2025 program will consist of about 15 pieces, titles  TBA.

Will we be singing a cappella or will there be an accompanist?


Experienced conductors with a piano accompanist will lead the group; the songs are a mix of a cappella and  accompanied pieces.


This website is sponsored by the Conductors Club of New York.
To learn more about the organization, click here.
copyright 2025 Conductors Club